Welcome to ReallyWarped.com

News Flash:

This week on HEROES, Claire dies! ... Again.

 Funny Quote of the Day
Show me a good loser, and I'll show you a loser.
Vince Lombardi
more Famous Quotes

Really Warped 2.0 (under construction)

Warning Sponges May Be Hot (After Microwaving)

New Critter Pics 11/14/06


More Buttons in the Offensive Section



Mike And Marion




 I saw a woman wearing a sweat shirt with "Guess" on it So I said "Implants?" She hit me.           

Living Will


 Me and my better half were sitting in the living room and I  said to her, "Just so you know, I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle.   If that ever happens, just pull the plug."


She got up, unplugged the TV, and threw out all my beer .

"Always remember you're unique. Just like everyone else!"

Words to Live By

Cali Trip

Funny Tequila Commercial


Flat Screen Fakeout!   




Ten Old West Phrases That Will Never Sound The Same After That Damned Gay Cowboy Movie

1. "I'm gonna pump you fulla lead!"

2. "Give me a stiff one, barkeep!"

3. "Don't fret---I've been in tight spots before."

4. "Howdy, pardner."

5. You stay here while I sneak around from behind."

6. Two words: "Saddle Sore."

7. "Hold it right there! Now, move your hand, reeeal slow-like."

8. "Let's mount up!"

9. "Nice spread ya got there!"

10. "Ride'em cowboy!"

Bird Flu Hits Florida!

Review of a movie I have to see, "Snakes on a Plane" with Samuel L. Jackson


Save the whales! Collect the whole set!
and other equally silly quotes:

Do television evangelists do more than lay people? --Stanley Ralph Moss



Am I the only one that reads a headline like this and wonders does anyone actually proofread anymore?;
Turkey battles to weaken grip of deadly bird flu

How N.O.W.

2006 Hooters Calendar!
(not what you think)


A man was flying from Seattle to San Francisco.
Unexpectedly, the plane stopped in Sacramento along the way.
The flight attendant explained that there would be a delay, and if the passengers wanted to get off the aircraft, the plane would re-board in 50 minutes.
Everybody got off the plane except one gentleman who was blind.  The man had noticed him as he walked by and could tell the gentleman was blind because his seeing eye dog lay quietly underneath the seats in front of him throughout the entire flight.  He could also tell he had flown this very flight before because the pilot approached him, and calling him by name, said, "Keith, we're in Sacramento for almost an hour.  Would you like to get off and stretch your legs?"  The blind man replied, "No thanks, but maybe my dog would like to stretch his legs."
Picture this:
All the people in the gate area came to a complete standstill when they looked up and saw the pilot walk off the plane with a seeing eye dog! The pilot was even wearing sunglasses.  People scattered!  They not only tried to change planes,  but they were trying to change airlines!
True story... Have a great day and remember...
Things aren't always as they appear!

*Editor's note: May well be an urban myth but, cute, thanks, Ginger!

When ya just gotta hug your chicken!

I See the light at the end of the tunnel and it is a train.


First Case of Bird Flu in California!


Moron passes speeding ticket camera four times!


"Do you know why they call it 'PMS'?  Because 'Mad Cow Disease' was taken." --Unknown, presumed dead.

Oh yeah, GhostRadar, gotta get me one for xmas!

When your pet bird sees you reading the newspaper, does he wonder why you're sitting there, staring at the carpet?



"If women controlled the world..." (like they don't already)



New Mouse!


Pool Trick Shots

Yet another reason I'm a cat person—Dumb Dog

Furniture Porn(I've never had THIS much free time)

Squirrel Fetish anyone?

Or maybe cows?

I've seen people like you, but I had to pay admission!

Airplane Humor

Got Milk?


Looking for stuff that used to be here?

ZEN FOR Censorship

Exploding Toads Puzzle German Scientists

Warped Art

California Employee Handbook

Latest funny videos

Lion Sleeps

Tech TV Woops

Dad Inflating Raft

Not The Perfect Date

Funny Cat Movie Clip

More Cute Clips

Austin Music Scene

Favorite local artists, definitely worth a listen!


Kelly's CD

Show Schedule

Local Businesses (That rock)

Ace Mechanical Services (Lloyd showed up on an hour's notice, at night and got the job done!)
Commercial Residential Air Conditioning Heating Cooling Refrigeration Commercial Cooking Equipment
Martha's Drive, Austin, TX 78717
(512) 238-6810    

Serving residential customers in North Austin, Round Rock, Cedar Park, and Leander.
Flat rate pricing at $60/hour


Contact Information
E-mail address

Should a person, not a spambot want to email me. write "me at reallywarped.com." Bet you can figure out the address. ;)



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